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3 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Have Your Plastic Surgery Done

Now that restrictions have started to loosen up and things are slowly going back to normal, the plastic surgery industry is also starting to pick up its pace. People who were inquiring during the lockdown are starting to schedule their consultations and booking their surgery dates. This doesn’t come as a surprise, after all it seems like now is the best time to have your surgeries done. If you’re still having doubts about getting your surgeries done, here are 3 reasons why now is the best time to get plastic surgery.

More time for downtime

WIth people staying at home and working remotely, people are more encouraged to have their surgeries done. After all, they have the perfect reason to not go out and just stay at home. Bigger procedures are also becoming popular nowadays because people don’t mind doing the 5 day to a week downtime as they have a natural downtime anyway. Patients like the fact that they can still work even while recovering. In the past, they needed to take a one or 2-week leave to recover, but now, 3 days post surgery is fine and they can jump back to work as they do not need to drive or dress up for work. 

Patients want multiple procedures done 

Patients now are looking into doing multiple procedures in one visit. This is to lessen multiple trips to the clinic. Despite the fewer patients visiting the clinic this past year, patients who do visit were requesting more than one surgery to be done to them. For example, those who would usually just go for a breast augmentation, now also opt to do a tummy tuck. 

Looking for Alternatives

When people turned to zoom calls and video call meetings for work, people were forced to look at their unfiltered reflections more frequently. With bad camera angles and bad lighting, people are looking for more ways to permanently enhance their features so that they may easily look better online. According to allure, Face, Neck and Chin Augmentation are the surgical trends this 2021. Aside from the facial factors, with gyms and fitness centers closed tentatively, people have also been looking for alternatives to keep themselves fit and in shape. One of the most popular procedures during the pandemic is tummy tuck and liposuction. 

Even after a year of lockdowns and quarantines, it can still be somewhat scary to go out. That’s why to ease the minds of our patients, we make sure to follow the highest standards of health and safety protocols and procedures. Check out the different measures that we take to make sure that our staff and patients are kept safe from the COVID-19 virus.

Focusing on one’s physical image is one of the best ways in which one can improve their mental health. And with the gloominess of the pandemic, we all deserve a little treat to the clinic. If you decide to give yourself a little treat, give us a call and we’ll book you an appointment with our cosmetic surgeon. You may send us a message at 0917 879 9667. For more information, you may also check out our website at www.ziinstitute.com